The process-async
function tested within the midje
framework produces inconsistent results. Most of the time it checks as expected, but from time to time, it reads out.json
at its initial state (""
). I rely on the async-blocker
function to wait on process-async
before checking.
What's wrong with my approach?
(require '[[test-with-files.core :refer [with-files public-dir]])
(defn async-blocker [fun & args]
(let [chan-test (chan)]
(go (>! chan-test (apply fun args)))
(<!! chan-test)))
(defn process-async
[channel func]
(go-loop []
(when-let [response (<! channel)]
(func response)
(with-files [["/out.json" ""]]
(facts "About `process-async"
(let [channel (chan)
file (io/resource (str public-dir "/out.json"))
write #(spit file (str % "\n") :append true)]
(doseq [m ["m1" "m2"]] (>!! channel m))
(async-blocker process-async channel write)
(clojure.string/split-lines (slurp file)) => (just ["m1" "m2"] :in-any-order)
The problem is that process-async
returns immediately with "[...] a channel which will receive the result of the body when
completed" (since go-loop
is just syntactic sugar for (go (loop ...))
and go
returns immediately).
This means that the blocking <!!
in async-blocker
will have a value almost immediately and the order in which the go
blocks from process-async
and async-blocker
get executed is undetermined. It might be that most of the time the block from process-async
executes first because it gets created first, but that is not much of a guarantee in a concurrent context.
According to the documentation for <!!
it "Will return nil if closed. Will block if nothing is available." This means that if you can assume that the return value of (apply fun args)
is a channel returned by go
, you should be able to block by using <!!
in the following way:
(defn async-blocker [fun & args]
(<!! (apply fun args)))
This will unblock once there is a value in the channel (i.e. the return value from the go
There are other options to wait for the result of another go
block. You could for example provide the original chan-test
as an argument to fun
and then put
a value in chan-test
when the go
block created in fun
terminates. But I think, given the code you showed, other approaches might be unnecessarily more complicated.