I just downloaded a website with python
p =urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor).open('http://www.google.com')
html_content = p.read()
And now I want to write it to a pdf file:
But how do I pass the html_content in the function? It expects a file, but I don't want to save the file first as a html. Is there a way to pass the fetched html_content in the pdfkit.from_file function?
Note: I don't wish to use .from_url, I first want to fetch the page using urllib2.
There are pdfkit.from_string
html_content = p.read()
and pdfkit.from_url
And, pdfkit.from_file
read filename as the first parameter, it also accept file-like object; you can pass the return value of the urllib....open
because it's a file-like object.
See pdfkit