My company has a VB6 application using Crystal Reports 7 which a client has asked to be installed on Windows 7 32 bit. It is currently installed on Windows XP 32bit SP2 machines at the client. Connection to the DB is done via ODBC to SQL Server 2000 instance on another server.
On Windows 7, the installation works fine, however when you try to open the application, the error is given.
I have looked at the following:
I've noticed two items in the knowledge base that relate to this
Finally, due to complexities, I am not allowed to make code changes to this application. Even if I was, I'm not a VB6 programmer, just the guy who got the terribly support project! If code changes are required, then I'll have to investigate using WinXP mode.
Update: I get the same error in XP Mode. That's a Win XP with SP3 VM. This runs on a Win XP SP2 VM, is there potentially something in SP3 that would have caused this to occur? Or is it just a fact of it being XP Mode?
The file msrdo20.dll is missing from the installation.
According to the Support Statement for Visual Basic 6.0 on Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and Windows 7 this file should be distributed with the application.
I'm not sure why it isn't, but my solution is to place the file somewhere on the machine, and register it using regsvr32 in the command line, eg:
regsvr32 c:\windows\system32\msrdo20.dll
In an ideal world you would package this up with the redistributable.