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wordpress rest api v2 how to list taxonomy terms?

i am new to v2, i use v1 for long time, currently upgrade to v2, i try to get all the terms belong to specific custom taxonomy.

In v1 i can do this to get terms /taxonomies/location_category/terms

but in v2 i try /taxonomies/terms it return json error "code":"rest_no_route","message":"No route was found matching the URL and request method","data":{"status" :404}}

if just /taxonomies/location_category/ it didn't show anything terms belong to taxonomy.

i search the question on google for few hours didn't show any result, anyone can help please, thank you


  • end out to write the custom code here

    add blow code to functions.php

      class all_terms
        public function __construct()
            $version = '2';
            $namespace = 'wp/v' . $version;
            $base = 'all-terms';
            register_rest_route($namespace, '/' . $base, array(
                'methods' => 'GET',
                'callback' => array($this, 'get_all_terms'),
        public function get_all_terms($object)
            $return = array();
            // $return['categories'] = get_terms('category');
     //        $return['tags'] = get_terms('post_tag');
            // Get taxonomies
            $args = array(
                'public' => true,
                '_builtin' => false
            $output = 'names'; // or objects
            $operator = 'and'; // 'and' or 'or'
            $taxonomies = get_taxonomies($args, $output, $operator);
            foreach ($taxonomies as $key => $taxonomy_name) {
                if($taxonomy_name = $_GET['term']){
                $return = get_terms($taxonomy_name);
            return new WP_REST_Response($return, 200);
    add_action('rest_api_init', function () {
        $all_terms = new all_terms;

    and enter url

    so term = you_taxonomy, will get terms belong to job_category.