I have a NumPy array of latitude/longitude (WGS84) coordinates like this:
coords = np.asarray([
[6.74219, -53.57835],
[6.74952, -53.57241],
[6.75652, -53.56289],
[6.74756, -53.56598],
[6.73462, -53.57518]])
I want to use the pyproj library in order to project these lat/lon coordinates using a Winkel-Tripel (still WGS84) without processing each point separately?
How can I join the result of pyproj, which are separate X/Y arrays, into a single numpy array just like the coordinate array above?
The pyproj documentation shows how to project single points and
For your projection in WGS84, you can use the following function:
def project_array(coordinates, srcp='latlong', dstp='wintri'):
Project a numpy (n,2) array in projection srcp to projection dstp
Returns a numpy (n,2) array.
p1 = pyproj.Proj(proj=srcp, datum='WGS84')
p2 = pyproj.Proj(proj=dstp, datum='WGS84')
fx, fy = pyproj.transform(p1, p2, coordinates[:,0], coordinates[:,1])
# Re-create (n,2) coordinates
return np.dstack([fx, fy])[0]
Note the use of dstack
to join the x/y arrays
Usage example with your coordinate arrays.
>>> project_array(coords)
array([[ 497789.36471653, -5965577.60559519],
[ 498357.98167095, -5964919.091806 ],
[ 498918.88707764, -5963861.91844427],
[ 498243.057953 , -5964202.54601671],
[ 497245.19767552, -5965221.87480737]])