I am looking at this web page.
In that page, there is a small box that says GET QUOTE
If I for example type AMD
the auto-suggestion opens up and shows a list like this:
My question is how to use request in Python3 to get this list, meaning to get:
AMD Advanced Micro Devices
AMDA Amedia Corp
Thanks for the help.
You can use browser's debugging facility to see what's going on when you request, and what you've got. For example, in Chrome, you can use Network tab of Developer Tools to see what request/response are made.
Use json
parameter to send application/json
request, and use Response.json()
to decode the json response text:
>>> import requests
>>> url = 'http://research.investors.com/services/AutoSuggest.asmx/GetQuoteResults'
>>> response = requests.post(url, json={'q':'AMD','limit':10})
>>> data = response.json()
>>> [row['Symbol'] for row in data['d']]
['AMD', 'AMDA', 'DOX']