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Returned data type information_schema.identifier does not match expected type

I am getting this error:

ERROR:  structure of query does not match function result type
DETAIL:  Returned type information_schema.sql_identifier does not match expected type character varying in column 1.
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function app.get_custom_task_fields(integer,character varying,integer) line 10 at RETURN QUERY

To fix it, I need to know the type of column_name, ordinal_position and data_type in my query. Or more generally, what is the data type of columns in information_schema.columns and how do I convert sql_identifier to an 'outputable' format to get it out of my function?

This is my function:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app.get_custom_task_fields(sess_identity_id int
                                                     ,session_code_str varchar
                                                     ,sess_company_id int)
RETURNS TABLE(field_name varchar,ordinal_position integer,field_type varchar) 
AS $$


    SELECT t.column_name,t.ordinal_position,t.data_type
    WHERE table_name = 'task_custom' order by t.ordinal_position;


  • Question 1

    What is the data type of columns in information_schema.columns?

    You can either look it up in the manual:

    Or you can ask Postgres directly (using the catalog table pg_attribute):

    SELECT attname, atttypid::regtype
    FROM   pg_attribute
    WHERE  attrelid = 'information_schema.columns'::regclass
    ORDER  BY attnum;
     attname       | atttypid
     table_catalog | information_schema.sql_identifier
     table_schema  | information_schema.sql_identifier
     table_name    | information_schema.sql_identifier

    Question 2

    And how do I convert sql_identifier to an 'outputable' format to get it out of my function?

    To find out specifics of any data type:

    SELECT typname, typtype  -- 'd' is for 'domain'
         , typbasetype::regtype
    FROM   pg_type
    WHERE  oid = 'information_schema.sql_identifier'::regtype;
     typname        | typtype | typbasetype
     sql_identifier | d       | character varying

    So the data type information_schema.sql_identifier is a DOMAIN on varchar. To find out possible casts:

    SELECT casttarget::regtype, castcontext
    FROM   pg_cast
    WHERE  castsource = 'character varying'::regtype;
     casttarget | castcontext
     regclass   | i
     text       | i
     character  | i

    You can cast to a desired output type. But there is a ...

    Simpler solution

    You don't need to know any of this. Just reference the data type of columns. The manual about CREATE FUNCTION

    The type of a column is referenced by writing table_name.column_name%TYPE.

    Write your function like this and you can't go wrong:

    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION app.get_custom_task_fields(sess_identity_id int
                                                        , session_code_str varchar
                                                        , sess_company_id int)
      RETURNS TABLE(field_name       information_schema.columns.column_name%TYPE
                  , ordinal_position information_schema.columns.ordinal_position%TYPE
                  , field_type       information_schema.columns.data_type%TYPE) AS
       SELECT t.column_name, t.ordinal_position, t.data_type
       FROM   information_schema.columns t
       WHERE  t.table_name = 'task_custom'
       ORDER  BY t.ordinal_position;
    $FUNC$  LANGUAGE plpgsql;

    The column reference is converted to the underlying type at function creation time. You'll see notices informing you about that.