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How can I create or open a libsodium compatible sealed box in pure Java

libsodium provides an API to create or open a sealed box documented here

How can I achieve the same in pure Java, so that allows me to open a box created by libsodium or create one that libsodium can open?


  • The following example code can create and open a libsodium sealed box.

    It requires TweetNaclFast from and a Blake2b hash implementation, for example the one from

    import java.util.Arrays;
    import ove.crypto.digest.Blake2b;
    import com.iwebpp.crypto.TweetNaclFast;
     * Example how to open sealed boxes in pure java (libsodium sealed boxes according to 
     * Has a dependency on TweetNaclFast and Blake2B, for example
     * and
    public class SealedBoxUtility {
    public static final int crypto_box_NONCEBYTES = 24;
    public static final int crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES = 32;
    public static final int crypto_box_MACBYTES = 16;
    public static final int crypto_box_SEALBYTES = (crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES + crypto_box_MACBYTES);
    //  libsodium
    //  int crypto_box_seal(unsigned char *c, const unsigned char *m,
    //            unsigned long long mlen, const unsigned char *pk);
     * Encrypt in  a sealed box
     * @param clearText clear text
     * @param receiverPubKey receiver public key
     * @return encrypted message
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException 
    public static byte[] crypto_box_seal(byte[] clearText, byte[] receiverPubKey) throws GeneralSecurityException {
        // create ephemeral keypair for sender
        TweetNaclFast.Box.KeyPair ephkeypair = TweetNaclFast.Box.keyPair();
        // create nonce
        byte[] nonce = crypto_box_seal_nonce(ephkeypair.getPublicKey(), receiverPubKey);
        TweetNaclFast.Box box = new TweetNaclFast.Box(receiverPubKey, ephkeypair.getSecretKey());
        byte[] ciphertext =, nonce);
        if (ciphertext == null) throw new GeneralSecurityException("could not create box");
        byte[] sealedbox = new byte[ciphertext.length + crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
        byte[] ephpubkey = ephkeypair.getPublicKey();
        for (int i = 0; i < crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES; i ++)
            sealedbox[i] = ephpubkey[i];
        for(int i = 0; i < ciphertext.length; i ++)
        return sealedbox;
    //  libsodium:
    //      int
    //      crypto_box_seal_open(unsigned char *m, const unsigned char *c,
    //                           unsigned long long clen,
    //                           const unsigned char *pk, const unsigned char *sk)
     * Decrypt a sealed box
     * @param c ciphertext
     * @param pk receiver public key
     * @param sk receiver secret key
     * @return decrypted message
     * @throws GeneralSecurityException 
    public static byte[] crypto_box_seal_open( byte[]c, byte[] pk, byte[]sk ) throws GeneralSecurityException{
        if ( c.length < crypto_box_SEALBYTES) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Ciphertext too short");
        byte[] pksender = Arrays.copyOfRange(c, 0, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
        byte[] ciphertextwithmac = Arrays.copyOfRange(c, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES , c.length);
        byte[] nonce = crypto_box_seal_nonce(pksender,pk);
        TweetNaclFast.Box box = new TweetNaclFast.Box(pksender, sk);
        byte[] cleartext =, nonce);
        if (cleartext == null) throw new GeneralSecurityException("could not open box");
        return cleartext;
     *  hash the combination of senderpk + mypk into nonce using blake2b hash
     * @param senderpk the senders public key
     * @param mypk my own public key
     * @return the nonce computed using Blake2b generic hash
    public static byte[] crypto_box_seal_nonce(byte[] senderpk, byte[] mypk){
    // C source ported from libsodium
    //      crypto_generichash_state st;
    //      crypto_generichash_init(&st, NULL, 0U, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);
    //      crypto_generichash_update(&st, pk1, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
    //      crypto_generichash_update(&st, pk2, crypto_box_PUBLICKEYBYTES);
    //      crypto_generichash_final(&st, nonce, crypto_box_NONCEBYTES);
    //      return 0;
        final Blake2b blake2b = Blake2b.Digest.newInstance( crypto_box_NONCEBYTES ); 
        byte[] nonce = blake2b.digest();
        if (nonce == null || nonce.length!=crypto_box_NONCEBYTES) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Blake2b hashing failed");
        return nonce;