I'm trying to change the highlighting in vim for the highlighting group "Folded". I'm using the color scheme "koehler" and my folded lines appear in cyan on a grey background in gvim, which is completely unreadable. I thought I could edit the :highlight command responsible for this group in the koehler.vim color scheme file but there is no definition for "Folded" in that file.
I verified that I have color scheme koehler loaded:
:echo g:colors_name
Then I listed all the highlighting groups with a command I found in another post:
:so $VIMRUNTIME/syntax/hitest.vim
Highlighting groups for various occasions
Folded Folded
FoldColumn FoldColumn
The "Folded" group is shown in the ugly colors I also see in my files. The file I was editing was a "viki" file but I get exactly the same with a perl script, so the highlighting for "Folded" must be defined somewhere central. I don't have any :hilight commands in my .vimrc.
How can I find out where this group is defined?
doesn't tell you where anything is defined. Just what is defined and grouped.)
That looks like it's probably the default setting. You can override it in a colorscheme (the easiest way is to copy $VIMRUNTIME/colors/koehler.vim
to ~/.vim/colors/koehler.vim
and add the lines), like this:
hi FoldColumn guifg=#465457 guibg=#000000
hi Folded guifg=#465457 guibg=#000000
(That example is taken from the theme I use, molokai, which has fairly nice folding colors.)