Search code examples

SilverStripe. Search by date-range in ModelAdmin

I have date-property in my DataObject.

How can I search by date-range in ModelAdmin?

For example: "search all items where date is more than 2007-13-01 and less than 2007-17-01"
or "search all items where date is between 2007-13-01 and 2007-17-01"

For now I can search only with GreaterTranFilter or with LessThanFilter, but not with both.

class MyObject extends DataObject {
    private static $db = [
        "Date" => "Date",
    private static $summary_fields = [
        "Date" => "Date",

    private static $searchable_fields = [
        "Date" => [
            "field" => "DateField",
            "filter" => "GreaterThanFilter",
            "title" => 'Date from ...'

Additionally search field must use a calendar(datepicker)

    showcalendar: true

Can you give an example how to search by date-range?


  • There is a WithinRangeFilter, but it's not going to get you very far if you're using configuration only. This is something you really need to implement procedurally.

    Add the range filters by overloading getSearchContext(), then overload getList() and check the q request param for the date ranges, and apply them to the list.

    public function getSearchContext()
        $context = parent::getSearchContext();
        return $context;
    public function getList()
        $list = parent::getList();
        $params = $this->getRequest()->requestVar('q');
        $filters = [];
        if(isset($params['Start'])) {
            $filters['Date:LessThanOrEqual'] = $params['Start'];
        if(isset($params['End'])) {
            $filters['Date:GreaterThanOrEqual'] = $params['End'];
        return $list->filter($filters);