i am an amateur with postgresql and a newbie with liquibase.
i am using puppet and liquibase to create postgresql database on rhel server.
i drop the database (puppet resource postgresql_database ensure=absent) then run puppet to re-create the database.
i log into psql and run \dt \di \ds. no duplicate tables or indexes but duplicate sequences e.g. activity_log_activities_id_seq activity_log_activities_id_seq1
the baseline.xml lists the sequence 1 time e.g.
<createSequence sequenceName="activity_log_activities_id_seq"/>
<createSequence sequenceName="activity_log_activity_products_id_seq"/>
i've google'd liquibase duplicate sequences id1 etc. but no good hits.
please advise.
we didn't figure out what was creating the sequences the 1st time but we did resolve it via removing the creation of the sequences within the baseline.xml included.
now i'm attempting to figure out why when i add includeAll with path="sqls" and run java -jar ../liquibase.jar --changeLogFile=master.xml update
it comes back with "Liquibase Update Successful"
but it's not making a change to the database or the databasechangelog table. i'll do a search and see if it's already been answered elsewhere... thanks!