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Create Nested Views in ng-admin

Hope I can explain this clearly. First, I'm using ng-admin and I know how to create a custom view per this:

I'm trying to figure out how to create nested views within the same custom page. Specifically, I have a view that needs to have 3 columns on the page - each with their functionality (and services).


In the image below, I have 3 views.

  1. The first column will call a custom service to get a list of collections (aka entities in ng-admin speak) and allow a user to select a collection
  2. The middle column will show a list of the items in the selected collection/entity and allow a user to select one item
  3. The final column will be for editing the selected item

The url to access this page should be (1 being the id of the item to view/edit)

The nested view for ng-admin

My Code:

//collections state
myApp.config(function ($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('collections', {
    abstract: true,
    parent: 'ng-admin',
    url: '/collections/',
    controller: collectionsCtrl,

    templateUrl: '/app/collectionsView.html'

//collection state
myApp.config(function ($stateProvider) {
$stateProvider.state('collections.collection', {

    parent: 'ng-admin',
    url: '/collections/collection/:ID',
    controller: collectionCtrl,
    templateUrl: '/app/collectionView.html'
... ommiting first two controllers

Then in the collection item controller, I have:

myApp.controller('ItemViewCtrl', ['$scope', 'Events', '$stateParams', '$sce', function($scope, Events, $stateParams, $sce) {

$stateParams.ID && Collection.find($stateParams.ID).then(function(item) {
    $scope.item = item;

  $scope.view = function(id) {
            $state.go('', {
                'ID': id


My collectionsView.html

<div ng-include src="'/app/tpl/collectionView.html'" include-replace>
<div class="inner-content full-height" ui-view></div>

In my collectionView.html

        <li ng-repeat="collections as collection" >
            <a ui-sref="">
               Link to collection

My Current Problem:

I can get collections/collection to show both views but it won't show the first column.

If I go to just collections/ I can see the first the column only (but only if I remove abstract:true from $stateParam router options.)

What am missing?


  • Solved:

    This helped me realize that I didn't need the parent property or first part of the url since they're both inherited from parent when I 'statecollections.collection' as part of the $stateProvider.

    //collection state
    myApp.config(function ($stateProvider) {
    $stateProvider.state('collections.collection', {
       // parent: 'ng-admin', <-REMOVED
       url: '/collections/collection/:ID', // Didn't need the /collections part of the url
      controller: collectionCtrl,
       templateUrl: '/app/collectionView.html'