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Overwriting Nan values with .loc in Pandas

I tried to solve the required task with the following code line:

df['Age'][np.isnan(df["Age"])] = rand1

enter image description here

But this raises a "SettingWithCopyWarning" and I think locating the Nan values in the dataframe (Column 'Age') by using the .loc feature might be a better way of doing this.

I already took a look at the documentation, but still don't know how I can fix this problem. Couldn't find any solutions on here with .loc either.

I would appreciate any hints and advice.


  • You need fillna for replace NaN to some value:

    df.Age = df.Age.fillna(rand1)

    Your solution with loc:

    df.loc[np.isnan(df["Age"]), 'Age'] = rand1
    #same as
    #df.loc[df["Age"].isnull(), 'Age'] = rand1

    You can also check indexing view versus copy.


    df = pd.DataFrame({'Age':[20,23,np.nan]})
    print (df)
    0  20.0
    1  23.0
    2   NaN
    rand1 = 30
    df.Age = df.Age.fillna(rand1)
    print (df)
    0  20.0
    1  23.0
    2  30.0

    #if need cast to int
    df.Age = df.Age.fillna(rand1).astype(int)
    print (df)
    0   20
    1   23
    2   30