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Accessing class fields for their value

I'm writing JVMTI agent and I'm trying to access specific class fields values at some point when I got jobject. I know they are located on heap instead of stack.

Looking at this unfortunately doesn't help me.

jclass jcls = env->GetObjectClass(object_value);

jint fields_count;
jfieldID *fields;
jvmti->GetClassFields(jcls, &fields_count, &fields);

jfieldID field;
char *field_name;
char *field_sig;
for (int i = 0; i < fields_count; i++) {
    error = jvmti->GetFieldName(jcls, fields[i], &field_name, &field_sig, NULL);
    if (error != JVMTI_ERROR_NONE) {
        printf("GetFieldName error %d\n", error);
    printf("Field %s has sig %s\n", field_name, field_sig);
    if (strcmp("I", field_sig) == 0) {
        int_value = env->GetIntField(object_value, fields[i]); <-- BREAKS
        printf("Value %d\n", int_value);

This breaks because it's called on static int field. How can I determine is field static in here?


  • You can use the below code to get the Field Modifier and then check for STATIC modifier -

       jint modifiersPtr;
       jvmti->GetFieldModifiers(classPtr, jfieldID, &modifiersPtr);
       if (modifiersPtr & 0x0008) {
            // STATIC 
            jint jIntVal = (jbyte) env->GetStaticIntField(clazz, fieldId);
        } else {
            // NON-STATIC
            jint jIntVal = (jbyte) env->GetIntField(objectValuePtr, fieldId);