I have some global variables that I need to use inside a parallelized section of my program. So I wrote this:
#define N 2000
int x[N], matrix[N][N]
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp privatethread(x,matrix)
#pragma omp for
for(int k=0; k<100;++k)
/*some function to modify values of x and matrix differently
from run to run*/
Is the part with #pragma equivalent to:
#pragma omp privatethread(x,matrix) parallel for
Is there a difference between declaring #pragma omp parallel then #pragma omp privatethread and declaring first #pragma omp privatethread and then #pragma omp parallel for? Do i have to put a { after the privathread part?
#pragma omp privatethread(x,matrix)
{ //<-- here
#pragma omp for
Finally, is that a good way to work with large vectors in c or is it better to use malloc inside my pragma omp and remove the privatethread part? (please let me know if it's better that I ask this ending question in a new post)
1.The below code gives you an error. Even if you remove the for.
#pragma omp privatethread(x,matrix) parallel for
The declaration must follow this syntax
#pragma omp threadprivate (list)
2.There is no difference between,
#pragma omp parallel
#pragma omp privatethread(list)
#pragma omp privatethread(list)
#pragma omp parallel
As you can see you don't have to put { brackets after the #pragma omp privatethread .This statement doesn't run any code in parallel it just makes the global scope variable local and persistent to a thread.