I have a small node-red/RaspberryPi project working as a garage door controller with a node-red dashboard UI.
I'd like to add authentication and expose the UI to the internet so I can check status remotely.
Working from https://nodered.org/docs/security I tried
node-red-admin hash-pw
resulting in 'command not found'. Trying the alternative:
node -e "console.log(require('bcryptjs').hashSync(process.argv[1], 8));" secret-password
results in an error in module.js:471 'cannot find module bcryptjs'.
The instructions do say to run this 'from within the Node-RED install directory'. Which is... where? I ran this command from ~/.node-red. In desperation I tried 'sudo apt-get install bcryptjs' but that did not work.
So - not a Linux expert, and a complete newbie at javascript; how can I restrict the use of my node red UI to authorized users?
Also - might there be a user forum (other than stack exchange)?
You need to be in the Node-RED install directory (probably /usr/lib/node_modules/node-red) for that command to work.
It's better to use the node-red-admin hash-pw
command if possible as that will make sure all the paths are correct.
Node-RED has a Google Group and a Slack Team for discussing things.