I am having my page inside a ScrollView in react-native app. On first load the child components lets say multiple TextInput's
render perfectly fine.
Each TextInput has a unique key. When I start updating any of the TextInput field, the other components just collapse. By collapse I mean the component is present but will not show any data. The onPress event works on collapsed components but the text doesn't show up.
One way I found was to add a unique random key
on every render but then the focus from the TextInput is lost, which is not a good user experience.
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state= this.props;
buildList(data) {
_.map(data, blog => {
<View key={blog.id}>
onChangeText={text => onChangeText(text)}
render() {
const {
} = this.state;
return (
<View style={mainStyles.pageWrap}>
<ScrollView style={mainStyles.contentWrap}>
Went through the documentation and added style={{ flex:1 }} to each child component and that fixed it.
In order to bound the height of a ScrollView, either set the height of the view directly (discouraged) or make sure all parent views have bounded height. Forgetting to transfer {flex: 1} down the view stack can lead to errors here, which the element inspector makes easy to debug.