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DAX: Averaging multiple % Columns

I'm new to Power BI and Dax, having some difficulty with the below scenario.

test    a       b        c       d           AVERAGE
aa              51.97%           46.61%      49%

I have 4 columns, a-d, and I simply want the average of the 4 columns in the AVERAGE column. Dependent on the row different columns may be blank. Each of the columns are measures pulling through a % value into the table.

I'm sure there must be a simple solution to this but any help would be much appreciated.


  • Try creating a column like this:

    AVERAGE = ([a]+[b]+[c]+[d])/4

    UPDATE: BLANK measures don't affect average result.

    AVERAGE = DIVIDE(([a]+[b]+[c]+[d]),
      (IF(ISBLANK([a]),0,1) + IF(ISBLANK([b]),0,1) + 
       IF(ISBLANK([c]),0,1) + IF(ISBLANK([d]),0,1)))