Search code examples

Change select with connect by prior from Oracle to SQL Server

Hello I have this part of a view in an Oracle database and I must change it on Microsoft Sql Server.

(nr, nivel, location, parent, systemid, siteid, orgid, count_a, count_wo, children)
SELECT     LEVEL, LPAD (' ', 2 * (LEVEL - 1)) || l.LOCATION nivel,
              LOCATION, PARENT, systemid, siteid, orgid,
             (SELECT COUNT (a.ancestor)
             FROM locancestor a
            WHERE a.LOCATION = l.LOCATION AND a.siteid = l.siteid),
                  NVL (COUNT (w.wonum), 0)
             FROM maximo.workorder w

            WHERE  (    w.reportdate >
                          TO_TIMESTAMP ('2006-06-19 00:00:01',
                                        'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS.FF'
                   AND w.istask = 0
                   AND w.worktype <> 'P'
                   AND w.LOCATION = l.LOCATION
              AND w.status <> 'CAN'),
     FROM lochierarchy l
    START WITH l.LOCATION = 'StartPoint'
   CONNECT BY PRIOR l.LOCATION = l.PARENT AND l.siteid = 'SiteTest'

What I need from this script is to return all the children of a given entry (the description of the children which can be found in locations table).

I have a table with next columns:

Location Parent      Systemid Children Siteid Origid Lochierarchyid
A001     StartPoint  Primary  2        SiteTest    X      106372
A002     A001        Primary  2        SiteTest    X      105472
A003     A002        Primary  0        SiteTest    X      98654
A004     A002        Primary  1        SiteTest    X      875543
A004B    A004        Primary  0        SiteTest    X      443216
B005     StartPoint  Primary  0        SiteTest    X      544321

For example for given entry A001 will return


I have made this view below but I don't know how to integrate it with the first one. Also it doesn't return me the list in the corectly order

 Children 1 of parent
  Children a of children 1
  children b of children 1
 children 2 of parent
  children a1 of children 2 and so on.

     SELECT l.parent, l.location as child, l.location, l.lochierarchyid
     FROM lochierarchy l
     where location='SecondLocation' --and siteid='SiteTest'
       UNION ALL
     SELECT c.Parent, l.parent, l.location, l.lochierarchyid
     FROM lochierarchy l 
    INNER JOIN testCTE c ON l.parent = c.location
  FROM testCTE c
  order BY c.parent,child asc

Can please someone help me? :)


  • Here is how you can do this (in Oracle, the only flavor I know) using a recursive query. "The web" reports SQL Server implements recursive queries as well, and with the same syntax (I believe all of this is SQL Standard compliant, so that's not surprising). Give it a try.

    Instead of creating a table, I put all the test data in the first CTE. When you try this solution, delete the CTE named inputs first, and use your actual table name in the rest of the query.

         inputs ( location, parent ) as (
           select 'A001' , 'Downstream' from dual union all
           select 'A002' , 'A001'       from dual union all
           select 'A003' , 'A002'       from dual union all
           select 'A004' , 'A002'       from dual union all
           select 'A004B', 'A004'       from dual union all
           select 'B005' , 'Downstream' from dual
         r ( lvl, location ) as (
           select  1, location
             from  inputs
             where parent = 'Downstream'
           union all
           select  r.lvl + 1, i.location
             from  r join inputs i on r.location = i.parent
         search depth first by lvl set ord
    select lpad(' ', 2 * (lvl-1), ' ') || location as location
    from   r
    order by ord
    6 rows selected.

    ADDED: It seems SQL Server doesn't have the search depth/breadth first clause for recursive CTE's (or perhaps the syntax is different). In any case, here is a primitive "manual" implementation of the same:

    with  (   .........   ),
         r ( lvl, location, ord ) as (
           select  1, location, location
             from  inputs
             where parent = 'Downstream'
           union all
           select  r.lvl + 1, i.location, r.location || '/' || i.location
             from  r join inputs i on r.location = i.parent
    select lpad(' ', 2 * (lvl-1), ' ') || location as location
    from   r
    order by ord