I'm using the Gravatar helper class from Microsoft.Web.Helpers like so
<%: Gravatar.GetHtml("me@domain.com", 80, "identicon") %>
which produces in the source
<img src="http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0ff2e377be7d73b15f0b48022a755717?s=80&d=identicon" alt="gravatar" />
The image URL does work but shouldn't it be &d=identicon
and not &d=identicon
? It appears to have encoded the ampersand. This is also the same when using Gravatar.GetUrl()
How can I stop it encoding the ampersand without rewriting my own version?
<%:Gravatar.GetHtml("me@domain.com", 80, "identicon") %>
Your telling it to encode the output, ":" is short hand for this. If you do not want to encode the output, do this
<%=Gravatar.GetHtml("me@domain.com", 80, "identicon") %>
As far as I am aware ":" is shorthand for outputting via Html.Encode()
What the Helper is doing is correct, it should be encoding the ampersand, more info at the link below