I have a table of bandwidth utilization data. Each row has a hostname,niccardname, utilization percentage and timestamp. At maximum timestamp for each host there can be different NIC cards. So for Each host i want average % utilization of different NIC cards at maximum timestamp.
Below is my table structure , insertions and queries -
CREATE TABLE bandwith_utilization
id integer NOT NULL,
hostname character varying(255),
"timestamp" bigint,
niccardname character varying(255),
percentageutilization integer,
CONSTRAINT bandwidth_utilization_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)
ALTER TABLE bandwith_utilization
OWNER TO postgres;
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (1,'host1','111111','nic1',40);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (2,'host1','111112','nic1',50);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (3,'host1','111113','nic1',50);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (4,'host1','111113','nic2',70);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (5,'host2','111111','nic1',80);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (6,'host2','111112','nic1',20);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (7,'host2','111112','nic2',30);
INSERT INTO bandwith_utilization
VALUES (8,'host3','111115','nic1',10);
So this is my table after insertions -
id hostname timestamp niccardname percentageutilization
1; "host1"; 111111; "nic1"; 40
2; "host1"; 111112; "nic1"; 50
3; "host1"; 111113; "nic1"; 50
4; "host1"; 111113; "nic2"; 70
5; "host2"; 111111; "nic1"; 80
6; "host2"; 111112; "nic1"; 20
7; "host2"; 111112; "nic2"; 30
8; "host3"; 111115; "nic1"; 10
I have a query which gives my output for hostnames at max timestamp -
select hostname, timestamp, niccardname, percentageutilization
from report.bandwith_utilization
where timestamp = (select max(timestamp)
from report.bandwith_utilization nwUtil
where nwUtil.hostname = report.bandwith_utilization.hostname
) ;
output of above query is -
"host1"; 111113; "nic1"; 50
"host1"; 111113; "nic2"; 70
"host2"; 111112; "nic1"; 20
"host2"; 111112; "nic2"; 30
"host3"; 111115; "nic1"; 10
So Now My Expected out put is average % utilization of different NIC cards for each host. i.e.
"host1"; 111113; "nic1"; 60
"host2"; 111112; "nic1"; 25
"host3"; 111115; "nic1"; 10
How can i find final average output with in the same query which i mentioned above?
should be an AVG() and group by
select hostname,timestamp,min(niccardname), avg(percentageutilization )
from report.bandwith_utilization
where (timestamp,hostname, niccardname) in (select max(timestamp) ,hostname, niccardname
from report.bandwith_utilization nwUtil
where nwUtil.hostname= report.bandwith_utilization.hostname
group by hostname, niccardname
group by hostname,timestamp
order by hostname,timestamp