I'm trying to create a simulation in which I have objects moving within a rectangular grid. Information is given in the form of a text file. Sample input is as follows:
5 5
0 1 N
2 3 S
First line is the dimension of the grid (in this case 5 x 5 assuming the bottom left coordinate is 0,0)
The rest of the input is just info in regards to the object and how it moves. Each object has 2 lines of input. First line is it's starting coordinates and orientation while the second line describes its movements.
When using an input stream, how can I grab the input so that it groups accordingly?
I know for the first line, I can just use
simulationSettings >> x >> y;
to grab the size of the grid.
However, is there a way of grabbing the rest of the input and grouping the info by 2 lines (for each object)?
So, for example, stream the input so that my object1 will have 0 1 N and PFPFFSF while object 2 has 2 3 S and FSFFSFFPF and so on should there be more objects.
If you can simply ignore how the file is actually structured in line, you structure is just:
You could just use:
simulationSettings >> x >> y;
if (! simulationSettings.good()) {
// process error condition and exit
for(;;) {
int xinit, yinit;
std::string direction, movements;
simulationSettings >> xinit;
if (simulationSettings.eof()) break; // normal end of file
simulationSetting >> yinit >> direction >> movements;
if (! simulationSettings.good()) {
// process error condition and at least break from the loop
// process the object