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multiply a value of each item of a json array with postgres 9.6

I tried many different things that I gathered here and there (official docs, blog posts, SO, …) but didn't succeed, so here's my question to you all:

Given this table:

basik=# select id, jsonb_pretty(range_price_list_values::jsonb) from product;
                  id                  |       jsonb_pretty
 cc80c862-c264-4bfe-a929-a52478c8d59e | [                       +
                                      |     {                   +
                                      |         "to": 10,       +
                                      |         "from": 5,      +
                                      |         "price": 1      +
                                      |     },                  +
                                      |     {                   +
                                      |         "to": 20,       +
                                      |         "from": 15,     +
                                      |         "price": 1298000+
                                      |     },                  +
                                      |     {                   +
                                      |         "to": 30,       +
                                      |         "from": 25,     +
                                      |         "price": 500000 +
                                      |     }                   +
                                      | ]

How to multiply by 1000 the price key of each element of each row of the table ?

PS: my failed tentative was to look around jsonb_* functions and window functions:

WITH prices as (select id, jsonb_array_elements(range_price_list_values::jsonb) from product)

UPDATE product SET range_price_list_values = JSONB_SET(
    '{' || price.rank || ',price}', jsonb_extract_path('{' || price.rank || ',price}')::int * 1000, false

Thanks for taking time to read! :)


  • You'll need a sub-select, as you want to update multiple fields in your JSON:

    update product
    set    range_price_list_values = (
             select jsonb_agg(case
                      when jsonb_typeof(elem -> 'price') = 'number'
                      then jsonb_set(elem, array['price'], to_jsonb((elem ->> 'price')::numeric * 1000))
                      else elem
             from   jsonb_array_elements(range_price_list_values::jsonb) elem

    Note: this will only update numeric price keys, otherwise an exception would be thrown, when a price is not a number.