net application, in which i am using some popup windows to open some pages. For this, i am using a method like this
private void OpenWindow(string Url, string height, string Width)
string strScript = "";
strScript += "<script language=\"javascript\">";
strScript += "eval(\"popUpWindow('" + Url + "',0,0," + Width + "," + height + ",directories=no)\");";
strScript += "</script>";
lblScript.Text = strScript;
catch (Exception ex)
JavaScript function as this:
var popUpWin = 0;
function popUpWindow(URLStr, left, top, width, height, windowName) {
left = (screen.width / 2) - width / 2;
top = (screen.height / 2) - height / 2;
if (popUpWin) {
if (!popUpWin.closed)
popUpWin = open(URLStr, windowName, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menub ar=no,scrollbar=no,resizable=no,copyhistory=yes,width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=' + left + ', top=' + top + ',screenX=' + left + ',screenY=' + top + '');
Now its working as fine with showing the address bar. But my requirement is that i have to hide the address bar in all of my popup window. Is this possible? Please help by providing one solution. thanks in davance..
Anyway use System.Text.StringBuilder
instead of string concatenation.
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.Append("<script language=\"javascript\">");
sb.AppendFormat("eval(\"popUpWindow('{0}',0,0,{1},{2},directories=no)\");", url, width, height);
lblScript.Text = sb.ToString();