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Show bootbox alert in Typescript/Angular2?

I want to use Bootbox in my Angular2 project. I searched a lot but there is no any relevant solution for me.
I also tried angular2-modal but there were many issues while using angular2-modal, please suggest any good doc/Examples/Demos for the same.


  • Step 1: Install bootbox via npm install bootbox --save

    Step 2: If you are using systemjs then include bootbox like:

    <script src="node_modules/bootbox/bootbox.js"></script>

    Step 3: Just put declare var bootbox:any; after import all libreries and before component decorator in your component ts file and then use normaly like bootbox.alert("Hello world!"); on any function call.

    Make sure you have bootstrap and jquery installed and included in index page. jquery should be in first place then after bootstrap.


    Alternate Step 3 Instead of declare var bootbox:any;, import type type definitions instead:

    npm install @types/jquery --save
    npm install @types/bootbox --save