I am trying to parse a time in string format to a DateTime using
var from = DateTime.Parse(TimeFrom);
When the string was like this 7:25 PM it worked
I then switched to a Timepicker plugin which displays the time like this 7 : 25 : AM
and it no longer works?
How do I change 7 : 25 : AM to 7:25 AM
TimeFrom = TimeFrom.Replace(" : ", ":").Replace(":A", " A").Replace(":P", " P");
^^ Quick and dirty way to do it.
But I can't understand why the timepicker control would return such an unusually formatted time. Perhaps there is a way to configure it to return the time in a more normal format?
Another approach is to use DateTime.ParseExact(... )
and specify a format string that describes the format you are seeing.