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Identifying from which method it is coming

I have two methods both returning the view:

public function method1()
  return ('view1');


public function method2()
  return ('view1');

In the view i want to edit some changes regarding from which method it is coming:

Something like this in view1:

@if(coming form method1)
   This is coming from method1,

How can this be acheived? Currently i'm just making two separate views for so minor change.


  • Why not add a flag in method

    public function method1()
      $flag = 'method1';
      return ('view1', compact('flag'));
    public function method2()
      $flag = 'method2';
      return ('view1', compact('flag'));

    and in the view check for the flag

    @if ($flag == 'method1')
       This is coming from method1
    @elseif ($flag == 'method2')
       This is coming from method2