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Is there a way to use the magrittr pipe operator %>% to get multiple outputs?

I would like to know if there is a way to achieve multiple outputs from a singular input using the magrittr package in R in such a way that you could achieve the output of this:

rnorm(30) %>%

rnorm(30) %>%

without needing to call rnorm(30) twice.


  • Just put them in a vector together:

    rnorm(30) %>% { c(mean = mean(.), median = median(.)) }
    #       mean     median 
    # -0.2477345 -0.1126395 

    The curly brackets are the key here. Without them you'll get the rnorm(30) vector with the mean and median values concatenated to the end.

    Another option is to write your own function.

    f <- function(x) c(mean = mean(x), median = median(x))
    rnorm(30) %>% f
    #        mean      median 
    # -0.12908354 -0.06667819