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How to prevent word splitting while using eval to run a command stored in $@?

I am trying to use eval to run a command passed into a function through $@.

Here is my code:

run_command() {
  : some logic not relevant to this question
  eval "$@"

I am running it as:

run_command "ls" "|" "wc -l"  # works, runs "ls | wc -l"
run_command "ls | wc -l"      # works as above

Now, I try to list a file that has a space in it:

> "file with space"
run_command "ls" "-l" "file with space"

This time, I get these errors:

ls: file: No such file or directory
ls: space: No such file or directory
ls: with: No such file or directory

So, it is clear that "$@" is resulting in word splitting. Is there a way to prevent this issue so that run_command function is immune to white spaces, globs, and any other special characters?


  • Explanation

    eval combines all arguments into a single string, and evaluates that string as code. Thus, eval "ls" "-l" "file with space" is exactly the same as eval ls -l file with space or eval "ls -l file with space".

    Best Practice (Without Pipe Support)

    As given in BashFAQ #50 -- the following runs its exact argument list as the argument vector of a simple command.

    run_command() {

    This offers numerous guarantees:

    • No process substitution, command substitution, or other undesired operations will take place. Thus, arbitrary filenames can be passed through without double-expansion causing any part of their contents to be parsed as code.
    • An argument will always be passed through to the program being run, not parsed by the shell. Thus, an array entry with the exact string >foo will be passed through, rather than causing a file named foo to be created.

    If you need to wrap a command with a pipeline, this can be done by encapsulating that pipeline in a function:

    run_pipeline() { foo "$@" | bar; }
    run_command run_pipeline "argument one" "argument two"

    Allowing Pipes As Direct Arguments

    To be clear: I do not advise using this code. By exempting | from the usual protections provided by following best practices, it weakens the security provided by said practices. However, it does do what you ask.

    run_command() {
      local cmd_str='' arg arg_q
      for arg; do
        if [[ $arg = "|" ]]; then
          cmd_str+=" | "
          printf -v arg_q '%q' "$arg"
          cmd_str+=" $arg_q"
      eval "$cmd_str"

    In this form, an argument of | will cause the generated string to contain a compound command, split into simple commands at the location of that argument.

    On Why This Is A Bad Idea

    Now -- why is trying to allow syntax elements to be processed a Bad Idea in this context? Consider the following:

    echo '<hello>'

    Here, the < and > in the string <hello> have been quoted, and thus no longer have their original behavior. However, once you've assigned these values to an array or an argument list, as in

    args=( 'echo' '<hello>' )

    ...metadata no longer exists about which characters were quoted or were not. Thus,

    echo hello '|' world

    becomes entirely indistinguishable from

    echo hello | world

    even though as separate commands these would have had very different behaviors.

    A Concrete Example

    Consider the following:

    run_command rm -rf -- "$tempdir" "$pidfile"

    In the "best practices" example, this is guaranteed to treat both the contents of tempdir and pidfile as filenames passed to rm, no matter what those values are.

    However, with the "allowing pipes" example, the above could instead invoke rm -rf -- | arbitrary-command-here, should tempfile='|' and pidfile=arbitrary-command-here.

    As shell variables are initialized from the set of environment variables present, and environment variables are often externally controllable -- as demonstrated by the existence of remote exploits for Shellshock -- this is not a purely theoretical or idle concern.