Here is the situation. I have one table with multiple many-to-many relationships.
game (id, name, year_release ...)
game_price (game_id, price_id, amount)
price(id, label -- new game, used game)
category(id, name)
game_category(game_id, category_id)
Now I want to select a list on 20 games with for each game, the list of prices and the list of categories.
In SQL I would do something like this
select, string_agg(price.label||':'game_price.amount), string_agg(
from game
left join game_price gp on ( = gp.game_id)
left join price on ( = price_id)
left join game_category gc on ( = gc.game_id)
left join category on ( = category_id)
group by
I have an example here: for a 1-to-many but nothing for many-to-many.
Do I have to first load all game_price then all game_category, like this ?
List<GamesPrices> gamesPrices = GamesPrices.findAll(Game.class, Price.class)
List<GamesCategories> gamesCategories = GamesCategories.findAll(Game.class, Category.class)
But then how can I loop to get all information for each game?
There are two ways to do it:
With Models:
List<Game> games = Game.where(criteria, param1, param2).include(Price.class, Category,class).limit(20);
for(Game g: games){
List<Price> prices = g.getAll(Price.class);
List<Category> categories = g.getAll(Category.class);
Without models:
String sql = "select, string_agg(price.label||':'game_price.amount), string_agg(" +
"from game" +
"left join game_price gp on ( = gp.game_id)" +
"left join price on ( = price_id)" +
"left join game_category gc on ( = gc.game_id)" +
"left join category on ( = category_id)" +
"group by";
List<Map> results = Base.findAll(sql);
I hope it helps!