I do this:
A = [pi/2 3*pi/2 3*pi/2 pi];
B = arrayfun(wrapToPi, A);
Expecting B:
[pi/2 -pi/2 -pi/2 pi]
But instead of that, I receive an error message:
Not enough input arguments.
Error in wrapToPi (line 13)
q = (lambda < -pi) | (pi < lambda);
Error in PSK (line 19)
x = arrayfun(wrapToPi,indices2);
Where is the problem?
has nothing to do here.
The correct way of doing that is:
A = [pi/2 3*pi/2 3*pi/2 pi];
which gives:
ans =
1.5708 -1.5708 -1.5708 3.1416
which is the same as: [pi/2 -pi/2 -pi/2 pi]