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GDAL: GetMaximum and GetMinimum returns no values

I am trying to get the maximum and minimum pixel values of a tif raster file.

I am using the GetMaximum() and GetMinimum() methods but they return nothing, thus the error I get is: TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -: 'NoneType' and 'NoneType'

The in file is a small tif raster for testing purposes. I do get the same error with other rasters that actually did work just a couple of days ago.

This is what I have been trying:

from osgeo import gdal

driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
in_file = gdal.Open("L8_field.tif")
band1 = in_file.GetRasterBand(1)
barray = band1.ReadAsArray()

# Getting the interval value and setting the classes
max_value = band1.GetMaximum()
min_value = band1.GetMinimum()

tot_classes = 5
class_1 = class_x + min_value
class_x = (max_value - min_value) / tot_classes
class_2 = (class_x * 2) + min_value
class_3 = (class_x * 3) + min_value
class_4 = (class_x * 4) + min_value
class_5 = max_value

I'm using this to classify the raster. So there is more code that actually classifies it. This snippet is meant to grab the equal intervals.

What am I missing?


  • I don't know exactly why RasterBand.GetMaximum() and RasterBand.GetMinimum() return None. Perhaps a raster attribute table needs to be computed before GTiff can access that value on the fly?

    You can do similar operations on the numpy.ndarray variable barray.

    import numpy as np
    # ...
    max_value = np.amax(barray)
    min_value = np.amin(barray)

    The obvious problem here is if the nodata value is either the min or max, in which case that would be returned to your displeasure. Landsat has nodata=0.

    You can solve that by making a masked array and using the masked array's min and max methods.

    import numpy as np
    # ...
    masked_arr =, mask=(barray==0))
    max_value = masked_arr.max()
    min_value = masked_arr.min()