select maintance_action_date,add_months(maintenance_action_date,3)
as Service_By
from maintenance
where bike_no = 1;
So far this query shows me all the times that bike has undergone maintenance and then adds 3 months to it. However I want it to display the most recent date and add three months to it. Anyone know how I would do this.
You could use max() function for get the recent date
select max(maintance_action_date) ,add_months(max(maintenance_action_date),3)
as Service_By
from maintenance
where bike_no = 1;
or Try using an intermediary select
select my_date, add_months(t.my_date,3)
from (
select max(maintance_action_date) my_date
from maintenance
where bike_no = 1
) t