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PRAW Adding reddit users with 3+ comments in a subreddit to a list

I currently have a Python reddit bot written using PRAW that gets all of the comments from a specific subreddit, looks at their author and finds out if that author has at least 3 comments in the subreddit. If they have 3+ comments, then they are added to an approved to post submissions text file. My code currently "works" but honestly, it's so bad that I'm not even sure how. What is a better way of accomplishing my goal? What I currently have:

def get_approved_posters(reddit):

   subreddit = reddit.subreddit('Enter_Subreddit_Here')
   subreddit_comments = subreddit.comments(limit=1000)
   dictionary_of_posters = {}
   unique_posters = {}
   commentCount = 1
   duplicate_check = False
   unique_authors_file = open("unique_posters.txt", "w")

   print("Obtaining comments...")
   for comment in subreddit_comments:
      dictionary_of_posters[commentCount] = str(
      for key, value in dictionary_of_posters.items():
        if value not in unique_posters.values():
            unique_posters[key] = value
    for key, value in unique_posters.items():
        if key >= 3:
            commentCount += 1
        if duplicate_check is not True:
            commentCount += 1
            print("Adding author to dictionary of posters...")
            unique_posters[commentCount] = str(
            print("Author added to dictionary of posters.")
            if commentCount >= 3:
                duplicate_check = True

   for x in unique_posters:
      unique_authors_file.write(str(unique_posters[x]) + '\n')

   total_comments = open("total_comments.txt", "w")


   unique_authors_file = open("unique_posters.txt", "r+")
   total_comments = open("total_comments.txt", "r")
   data =
   approved_list ='\n')
   approved_posters = open("approved_posters.txt", "w")
   for username in approved_list:
      count = data.count(username)
      if(count >= 3):
        approved_posters.write(username + '\n')
      print("Count for " + username + " is " + str(count))



  • Maybe it's just me being slow this morning, but I'm struggling to follow/understand your use of commentCount and unique_posters. Actually, it probably is me.

    I would get all the comments from the subreddit, like you did, and for each comment, do the following:

    for comment in subreddit_comments:
            dictionary_of_posters[] += 1
        except KeyError:
            dictionary_of_posters[] = 1
    for username, comment_count in dictionary_of_posters.items():
        if comment_count >= 3:

    This method takes advantage of the fact that dictionaries cannot have two of the same key value. That way, you don't have to do a duplicate check or anything. If it makes you feel better, you can go list(set(approved_authors)) and that will get rid of any stray duplicates.