Given word/1
word(W) :-
ABs = W.
abs([AB|ABs]) :-
?- word(W).
W = []
; W = [a]
; W = [b]
; W = [a,a]
; W = [b,a]
; W = [a,b]
; W = [b,b]
; W = [a,a,a]
; W = [b,a,a]
; W = [a,b,a]
; W = [b,b,a]
; W = [a,a,b]
; W = [b,a,b]
; W = [a,b,b]
; W = [b,b,b]
; W = [a,a,a,a]
; ... .
how does a more compact definition of word/1
look like, otherwise identical w.r.t. termination and the set of solutions, fairness, with the following constraints:
No use of built-ins like (=)/2
No use of control constructs like (',')/2
or (;)/2
, or call/1
Uses one fact, one recursive rule, and one rule for word/1
Maybe simpler is to ask for the terms F1
... F4
word(W) :-
p(F3) :-
For the record: The property exploited here is closely related to the undecidability of termination of a single binary clause. Praise goes to:
Philippe Devienne, Patrick Lebègue, Jean-Christophe Routier, and Jörg Würtz. One binary horn clause is enough STACS '94.
The solution I have come up with is:
word(W) :- p([[]|Ls], Ls, W). p([W|_], _, W). p([W0|Ws], [[a|W0],[b|W0]|Ls], W) :- p(Ws, Ls, W).
Sample query and answer:
?- word(W). W = [] ; W = [a] ; W = [b] ; W = [a, a] ; W = [b, a] ; W = [a, b] ; W = [b, b] ; W = [a, a, a] ; W = [b, a, a] ; W = [a, b, a] ; W = [b, b, a] ; W = [a, a, b] ; W = [b, a, b] ; W = [a, b, b] ; W = [b, b, b] ; W = [a, a, a, a] ; W = [b, a, a, a] ; etc.
I am using a difference list to incrementally materialize the solutions I want the toplevel to report.