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Laravel return value to the same view

Hello i am new with laravel so i decide to start with sample examples so i start whit calculator programme: here is the strecture of my application

  • calc.blade.php => contain the form that send data to calc/calc with POST methode
    <form method="POST" action="calc/calc">
  • route.php => Route::controller('calc', 'calcController');
  • calcController.php => contain 2 methods:

    1) getCalc() used with get to send the form return view('calc');

    2) postCalc(calcRequest $r) this methode do the traitement and return the result
    return view('calc')->with('res',$res) ;

the application work but the problem is that everytime i clic en send from the form calc/calc is added to the URL for Exemple :

First operation url is http://localhost/calcul/public/calc/calc

second operation url is http://localhost/calcul/public/calc/calc/calc

third operation http://localhost/calcul/public/calc/calc/calc/calc

What is the problem and how could i fix it



  • <form method="POST" action="calc/calc">

    That action is calling a relative path, so it will always add an extra /calc on the end of each URL.

    To stay on the same URL you can use:

    <form method="POST" action="/calc/calc">

    Additionally, you may want to use the laravel URL helper function to keep it nicer and future proof: