Search code examples

Setting boolean with th:checked

I have a model which includes a boolean 'deleted'. I generate a list and each element has this variable within it.

I print it out in a list and I'm trying to set it using a checkbox, so it saves whatever is set.


public class entry{
private boolean deleted;

public entry(boolean deleted){
this.deleted = deleted;

//setters & getters for deleted

I then have my thymeleaf form read in this list using a wrapper class. Which works fine.

I can get the checkbox to display checked/unchecked depending on the deleted state for each element, but it if I change the checkbox from checked to doesn't then save the variable to that state.


<div th:each="entry, stat: *{entryList}">
    <label class="switch"> 
      <input name="index" th:type="checkbox" th:checked="*{entryList[__${stat.index}__].deleted}">
      </input> <span class="delete round">


<form action="#" th:action="@{submitData}" class="saveForm"
            method="post" th:object="${entryWrapper}">

Wrapper Class

public class EntryWrapper {

    private List<Entry> entryList;

    public EntryWrapper(){


    public EntryWrapper(List<Entry> entryList){
        this.entryList = entryList;

    public List<Entry> getEntryList(){
        return entryList;

    public void add(final Entry entry){

    public void setEntryList(List<Entry> entryList){
        this.entryList = entryList;


  • Instead of th:checked, you should use th:field

    <input type="checkbox" th:field="*{entryList[__${stat.index}__].deleted}">

    th:field will generate the name, id and checked attributes, so when you post the form it should populate your model object.