I'm building a chatbot and I'm new to NLP.
(api.ai & AlchemyAPI are too expensive for my use case. And wit.ai seems to be buggy and constantly changing at the moment.)
For the NLP experts, how easily can I replicate their services locally?
My vision so far (with node, but open to Python):
Are entities and intents all I'll need for a chatbot? How good will NodeNatural/StanfordNER be compared to NLP-as-a-service? What headaches am I not seeing?
You seems to have done your home work. Like you said,following things will help you along the way,
Only benefit of services such as wit.ai or api.ai is their heavily trained ready to use intents and models.You too will be able to achive similar accuracy if you are able to provide decent amount of training to your bot.
It's better if you build on some existing opensource libraries rather than building everything from scratch. Please check my opensource project on github for wit.ai/api.ai similar interface. Happy coding!