I have an Xcode 8 project and whenever I instantiate a UITableViewController
, I simply cannot scroll the content. I have made sure that:
is set to TRUE
(on the tableView)scrollEnabled
is set to TRUE
(on the tableView)userInteractionEnabled
set to TRUE
or a UITapGestureRecognizer
with cancelsTouchesInView
set to TRUE
set to FALSE
and may block the scrollIQKeyboardManager
. I have made sure that this bug is not caused by the library, by purposely disabling it.It's interesting that if I tap a UITextField
from one of the static cells, the IQKeyboardManager
scrolls the content a little bit down. So the table view is scrollable, but I cannot do it by normal swiping.
Furthermore, I thought that this may be related to my specific class, maybe I'm doing something wrong... BUT I've even tried to instantiate a blank UITableViewController
at the first initialisation point of the app with 5 sections, but it didn't work.
Please, keep all of this information in mind, what can I do? I'm using iOS 10 and iPhone 6s.
Finally, after more than 3 days of daily debugging, I found out the problem ...
This is definitely the trickiest bug I've ever encountered, but it seems that Cocoapods power comes with responsibility. I've imported the following library:
And unfortunately the library itself breaks the table view scroll. When I debugged the actuals views, it was even more hard to notice the added gesture recognizer of the library, as it had a common name and cancelTouchesInView
set to FALSE. The actual problem was inside the extension, where the UITableView methods were overriden.
Removed it and everything works again. Phew.