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VBA Update source data for chart

I am using VBA to generate a chart.

With the following code I can select the data from column number 11 to the last column, which I have stored in LastColumnNumber variable:

ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Union(Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(1, 11), Cells(1, LastColumnNumber)), Sheets(SheetName).Range(Cells(4, 11), Cells(4, LastColumnNumber)))

Because I have a lot of zero values before and after the data that I actually need displayed in the chart I am using the following methods to find out the addresses for the first and the last non-zero cells:

How can I update the fist piece of code to implement the solutions from the linked answer, and narrow the range for the chart accordingly?


  • I have mananged with the following approach:

    Dim StartPoint1, StartPoint2, EndPoint1, EndPoint2 As String
    StartPoint1 = Application.Evaluate("=ADDRESS(1,MATCH(TRUE,4:4<>0,0))")
    EndPoint1 = Application.Evaluate("=ADDRESS(1,MAX((4:4>0)*COLUMN(4:4)))")
    StartPoint2 = Application.Evaluate("=ADDRESS(4,MATCH(TRUE,4:4<>0,0))")
    EndPoint2 = Application.Evaluate("=ADDRESS(4,MAX((4:4>0)*COLUMN(4:4)))")

    And The chart source has become:

    ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:=Union(Sheets(SheetName).Range(StartPoint1 & ":" & EndPoint1), Sheets(SheetName).Range(StartPoint2 & ":" & EndPoint2))

    Hope it helps someone! Cheers!