This driving me crazy...
I've built some test apps with standard routing, but this time wanted to nest b within a. So like this (a and b are examples for ease)
resources :a do
resources :b
in the 'b controller' I have index defined as
def index
@b = B.all
On the index page I have
<p>B index</p>
<ul class="b">
<% @b.each do |b| %>
<%= link_to, b %>
<% end %>
Controller params are set
def B_params
params.require(:b).permit(:name, :description, :this, :that, :a_id)
So the error message is when viewing the index.html 'undefined method for b_path'
I'm pretty sure its a routing problem as all of my other index pages work fine. So what is the correct way to route the nested b_path.
I have tried
get '/a/:id/b', to: 'b#index' -----fails
get '/a/:a_id/b', to: 'b#index' ----fails
get '/b', to: 'b#index' ----- not surprising fails
So what am I missing. Is there something else to do or another way of linking once you nest resources
OK so I managed to figure this out after what feels like an eternity. Just in case anyone is interested
The fault lied with the reference to 'b' immediately after the link_to statement. It should have been...
<p>B index</p>
<ul class="b">
<% @b.each do |b| %>
<%= link_to, a_b %>
So to explain, as I understand it. The three important files once nested are routes.rb where you need to set the correct route for the index... for this example it would be
get '/a/:a_id/b', to: 'b#index'
this comes from running rails routes and seeing the correct path returned there.
Then in the 'b controller' you declare the variable as normal
def index
@b = B.all
then in the view/b/index.html.erb you call the variable, but crucially refer to the new b#index path
<% @b.each do |b| %>
<%= link_to, a_b_url %>
<% end %>
I'm sure my understanding is not as complete as it could be yet but i've got it working so onwards and upwards. Happy days