i am having trouble importing the data of the TPCH-Benchmark into my monetDB-Database.
I am creating the first table like this:
CREATE TABLE "tpch"."customer" ( "c_custkey" INTEGER NOT NULL, "c_name" VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL,"c_address" VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL,"c_nationkey" INTEGER NOT NULL,"c_phone" VARCHAR(15) NOT NULL,"c_acctbal" DOUBLE NOT NULL,"c_mktsegment" VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL,"c_comment" VARCHAR(117) NOT NULL);
and then when i try to insert data into it with the following:
COPY INTO tpch.customer FROM 'PATH/tpcdskew/customer.tbl' using delimiters '|','\n';
i get the following error:
'ailed to import table Leftover data '
the "f" that seems to be missing at the start is actually missing for me and the ' are there in the output too.
thank you :)
How do you generate the TPCH data? Probably you have to remove the last "|" at end of each line.
I use "sed 's/.$//' oldfile.tbl > newfile.tbl" to do that.
Afterwards you should be able to fill your tables.