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How to post update on Facebook page automatically by given scheduled time ? using android

I need to automatically post on page when user set specific scheduled time. I have try using Graph api with below request:

    Bundle params1 = new Bundle();
    params1.putString("message", "This is a system generated post");
    params1.putString("scheduled_publish_time",(date.getTime()+(1000*60*30))""); //for current time to next 30 min
    params1.putBoolean("published", false);
    new GraphRequest(
            new GraphRequest.Callback() {
                public void onCompleted(GraphResponse response) {
        /* handle the result */
                    Log.d("Response-auto", "DATA" + response);


But it give below response.

{"error": {"message": "(#100) The specified scheduled publish time is invalid.",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 100,
"fbtrace_id": "HcuHy8cusGC"}}


  • You must to set up Unix TimeStamp in seconds.Below way to convert your current milliseconds into Unix Second

    Long unixsecond=Calendar.getInstance().getTimeInMillis()/1000L;