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cannot display IE 8 and down no support message

I created a website using reactjs and webpack, I am using modernizr to show support for specific features, but I want to show a message in IE 8 and below that I do not support these browsers. the problem is that when loading the website, it fails since webpack and react do not support it. my question is, how can i display the message? is there a way to show it before react loads? or maybe there is a way to make it work just for that message?

thanks for the help!


  • You can use conditional comments to load special CSS and print HTML only in IE8.


    <!--[if lte IE 8]>
    <p class="unsupported-ie">This page is not supported for IE8 and lower versions of IE.</p>

    And you can even load CSS in <head>:

    <!--[if lte IE 8]>
    <link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="/unsupported-ie.css" />