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Convert SQL(complex ) to LINQ

How can i convert following type of sql query to LINQ (Both Extension method syntax and Query Syntax),

select t.Roll_Number,t.Status from (
    select * , 
      count(case when status <> 0 then 1 end) over(partition by Roll_Number,Subject_Code) c
    from table_1
) t where c = 0
GROUP BY t.Roll_Number,t.Status
ORDER BY t.Roll_Number


  • Try something like this:

    var result = data
                .GroupBy(x => new {x.RollNumber, x.SubjectCode})
                .Select(x => new {Group = x, Count = x.Count(item => item.Status != 0)})
                .SelectMany(x => x.Group.Select(item => new {item, x.Count}))
                .Where(x => x.Count == 0)
                .GroupBy(x => new {x.item.RollNumber, x.item.Status})
                .OrderBy(x => x.Key.RollNumber);

    or in query syntax:

    var result = from x in data
                    group x by new { x.RollNumber, x.SubjectCode } into g
                    select new { Group = g, Count = g.Count(x => x.Status != 0) } into h
                    from x in h.Group.Select(item => new {item, h.Count})
                    where x.Count == 0
                    group x by new { x.item.RollNumber, x.item.Status } into j
                    orderby j.Key.RollNumber
                    select j;