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SQL Mapping values of attributes with indexes

Considering that I have the following 3 attributes:

 - rainy
 - sunny
 - cloudy

 - day
 - night

 - city
 - highway
 - underconstruction

And I want to map this values with indexes (day - 1, night - 2, etc..)

My question is, what way should I do this considering that anytime I would want to add 2-3 choices more to an attribute, or even new attributes?



ID  AttributeType   AttributeValue
AT1 WeatherCondition    rainy
AT2 WeatherCondition    sunny
AT3 Daytime             day
AT4 Daytime             night
AT5 WeatherCondition    cloudy

Solution2: Separate tables for each attribute with only 2 columns (ID and value). WeatherCondition table with values (1,rainy; 2,sunny; 3,cloudy) Daytime table with values (1,day; 2,night)

I'm somehow reluctant on the second solution thinking that I may have to create 30 tables.

The final result, is that I want to have a "lookup" or "bridge" table with the ID FK from another table like this:

ID  Attribute
1   AT1
1   AT3
1   AT5
2   AT2
2   AT5

Also, it's important to me to create reports by joining all this data altogether, I'm thinking that with Solution 2 it will be harder to join altogether 30 tables.


  • I think it all comes down to scalability - how many rows are the tables expected to hold (all of them, summed up). If they're never going higher than say 10k, you shouldn't worry - Solution 1 will do.

    However, if you expect the eventual number to be, say, in the millions of rows, Solution 2 is definitely the way to go - it'll lead to a lot less locks and it will probably be a lot easier to maintain (albeit harder to implement - you might have to "create 30 tables").

    Hope this helps.