Ive been trying for a few days now to set a pin high (Estimote location beacon) from an app I'm building. Im doing something wrong as i am getting an error when the block fires off. Error is: [ESTTelemetryInfo portsData]: unrecognized selector sent to instance... Ive looked everywhere for a snippet but can't find anything. I only want to be able to set the pin high (i don't need to send any data). If i can set the pin high i figure i could set it low when done using the same methods. This is the code:
let telem = ESTTelemetryInfo.init(shortIdentifier: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx")!
let setPinHigh = ESTTelemetryNotificationGPIO.init(notificationBlock: { (telemInfo) in
if telInfo.shortIdentifier! != "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" { return }
telemInfo.portsData.setPort(.port0, value: .high)
setPinHigh.fireNotificationBlock(with: telem)
Any help would be greatly appreciated. ps Sorry if this is incorrectly formatted (long time reader first time poster). Cheers Gary
Fixed..we'll sort of. For anyone wanting to know the right way to to set a pin high, in output mode, is to connect to the beacon first through the device manager: ESTDeviceManager() -set the delegate in the class as ESTDeviceManagerDelegate - startDeviceDiscovery(with: deviceFilter) then in the delegate method: func estDeviceConnectDidSucceed(_ device: ESTDeviceConnectable) { self.settings.gpio.portsData.setPort(.port0, value: .high) } BUT -> at the moment there is a bug that portsData has no member 'setPort'. I've filed a bug issue with Estimote on GitHub. Will come back to report once it's fixed.