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Report Builder 3 - Hiding multiple text boxes

Have 3 text boxes and only one can be visible based on the field dept i.e AAA,BBB and CCC.

Three text boxes txtBodyText_1, txtBodyText_2 , txtBodyText_3

If Field data returns AAA then visible txtBodyText_1 and the others hidden.

If Field data returns BBB then visible txtBodyText_2 and the others hidden

If Field data returns CCC then visible txtBodyText_3 and the others hidden

have used on the visibility hidden text box properties :


=iif(Dept.value, "EmpDetails")="AAA",true,false)


=iif(Dept.value, "EmpDetails")="BBB",true,false)


=iif(Dept.value, "EmpDetails")="CCC",true,false)

Any ideas for a better solution...


  • If you switch your "=" to "<>" they should work as you intend.

    =iif(Dept.value, "EmpDetails")<>"AAA",true,false) 

    Note that in the dialogs the property is named Visibility, but in the property window it is named Hidden. True = Hidden, False = Visible.

    This equates to if Dept.value <> "AAA", Hide txtBodyText_1, else Show txtBodyText_1.