I'm trying to get the value of some xml nodes but for some reason it is returning the markup around the value also. Any idea why and how I can get the value only? Below is an example of my issue.
Here is the xml dump XML cfdump
Then I am referencing the XML like so.
<cfset ResponseXML = #xmlparse(getOrders)#>
<cfset OrderNodes = ResponseXML.list.elements.order>
Then when I see it on the screen it looks correct and it gives me the date from the xml on the screen. If I try to insert it into a date type field in the database it tells me it can't convert to string so I start looking at the view source and it is actually returning this
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><orderDate>2017-02-21T20:48:11.000Z</orderDate>
So why is it returning xml markup when I reference the node value like that? How can I just get the value and not that extra markup?
Thank in advance.
As your dump shows, you need to reference the data using the XmlText
element of the parsed structure.