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Build libraries in external folder of AOSP source code

I noticed that a simple

$ . build/
$ lunch
$ aosp_hammerhead-eng
$ make -j16

Would not build also the external libraries in the ./external folder.

How am I supposed to build source code in such folder?

In particular, I am modifying source code in the libselinux in ./external/selinux/libselinux/src/



  • I found out that, by using the mm command, it is possible to build all of the modules in the current directory.

    So, if you are in ./external/selinux/libselinux/ you can build all code inside such directory just by typing the command mm.

    I also found that the same code I was modifying inside the ./external/selinux/libselinux/ is also located in ./external/libselinux/. However, this directory is linked to the make -j16 command.